The Bonding Books

The Bonding is the first in a series of books about everyday people mingled with magic and love.
Get entangled in the complicated world of Lillian Tempest, a young, ordinary girl who just happens to be a witch, and not a very good one at that.
Her destiny,her life is all laid out and there's nothing she can do to change it...

Friday 10 August 2012

busy week of writing

I have been very busy writing, and have hit a high today ( highest ranking to date) very happy :)

The Bonding..." is currently ranked #1,650 out of over 400,000 books in the Kindle Store.

Whoop love you guys so much for buying the books xxxxxxx
 and also finished first draft of Eternal.

Now I have to re-read through the book, little notebook in hand and go through and make sure everything is covered and I haven't left loose ends or things not explained.

In fact this is a good fun part of writing as the story is all typed up and now just tidying.
Then of course there is the edit which I will do separately after I and happy everything is where I want it.

Really feeling positive for the September publish :)