The Bonding Books

The Bonding is the first in a series of books about everyday people mingled with magic and love.
Get entangled in the complicated world of Lillian Tempest, a young, ordinary girl who just happens to be a witch, and not a very good one at that.
Her destiny,her life is all laid out and there's nothing she can do to change it...

Saturday 10 March 2012

ok this might work

link to my facebook page:)!/pages/Ursula-Jardine/247074405344128


Just had a quick peek on the free lending period (5days)
and looks like almost 500 people in the USA downloaded my book, 200 in England and one or two in other counties.
yay !

Not a happy bunny :(

It was going to happen...Eventually, with my ' C 'grade in English some 25 years ago lol... I have had a negative review on my Amazon page for The Bonding. ( though they didn't have to pay for it as it was free)

Been fluctuating between feeling like 'its okay', he's entitled to his opinion, to' maybe I should give up writing' as I am not adept enough in the literary field, the extreme maybe, but it is a bit of a downer.

I'm the first one to say I NEED aneditor, god what I wouldn't do to have a professional look at my work and help !!
But its not easy, I did try, for almost a year, writing to editors, publishing houses and trying to find an agent.
I need help, help with punctuation, spelling grammar...God I just want to write ( giggles to myself)

Ok ok, basically I'm just a full time working mum who wants to share my magical story with you, to get it out there...The story of Lily, Logan and Carne and there amazing journey and thier love.

Right enough wallowing, deep breath...(repeats in head: I will not let this put me off) I still need to get the last  two books finished and out there...

P.S. Thank you to everyone who has brought my books :) spelling mistakes and all xxx xxx