The Bonding Books

The Bonding is the first in a series of books about everyday people mingled with magic and love.
Get entangled in the complicated world of Lillian Tempest, a young, ordinary girl who just happens to be a witch, and not a very good one at that.
Her destiny,her life is all laid out and there's nothing she can do to change it...

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

2 days till end of year exams then.....

& I can't wait, will be so nice to finally put all my time and effort into finishing book 5
I didn't realise this years uni would be so intense and take so much of my time, but the end is so close.
Just hope the questions are not to hard and I can focus my wee brain into remembering all the stuff Ive read.

okay see you in a couple of days dear blog :)