The Bonding Books

The Bonding is the first in a series of books about everyday people mingled with magic and love.
Get entangled in the complicated world of Lillian Tempest, a young, ordinary girl who just happens to be a witch, and not a very good one at that.
Her destiny,her life is all laid out and there's nothing she can do to change it...

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

A little about me....

About me!

Well, I’m a London girl, and have lived in England all my life. I have been married for sixteen years and have three wonderful children, well, there a bit pesky to be honest, but a great bunch.

I have been what’s commonly known, as a ‘stay at home mum’ for many years, which really is a glorified washer up-er and cleaner.
About five years ago I took some training and have been working with special needs children , my current job is in a secondary school, which I love, unless you get me on the rare mornings when I have been in with on of my years seven classes and Bunsen burners! I say no more!!

The story has really been drifting around my head for years (wide open spaces in there) and its only was I’ve been sitting in English classes, analysing other writer’s works and stories. I came to the conclusion I could write mine, I mean how hard could it be?

My own kids love me, over the last year, I’ve come in from work, quickly made something nutritious, had a good moan, (my twelve year old will tell anybody who listens I’m good at that). Then much to my family’s delight, have gone up stairs to my ‘zone’ to write

Now before you have any ideas about my ‘zone’ I mean my side of the bed, the small area I have designated my ‘writing ‘space. It’s not a lot to look at, a book case, laden to bursting capacity with books, some crystals, and of course my trusty little pink laptop (I am a girl!)

Here I enter the world of Lillian and carne, they are where I go when I day dream, I see how they act through various scenes in my head, I see how they move, what there wearing, there facial expressions, from these quite moments I see my story unfold….who needs telly?

I keep a note book bed by the bed now, not because I’ve read about ‘writers tips’, for ideas down. No, mines there out of necessity, its quite usual for me to wake up in the wee hours and start writing, I have wonderful ideas in bed, that’s where my characters come to life. Whether I can decipher my night time scrawl in the morning is another story.

My dreams, hopes for The Bonding have always been to share my story, tell others about my characters, about their world. When I watch Twilight or Harry potter, I know it’s far fetched and but I would love to see Carnes blue eyes lighting up the screen.

Been busy

Have acctually after a week and a half edited and finished book one, The bonding.
Now on to Bonded, hoping this will take me around the same time to edited.

Some of the problems I had were that in using different computers all my speech marks were different !!
Took days to change them all into the same, plus it said on the kindle board you couldnt 'tab' for indents, so had to do every indent by hand.
OMG that was took soooo long !!
Anyway all done, I have think I have missed loads !!! sorry

Also a very productive week as I have now finished the 4 covers for book 1-4 yay!
Im very happy with them x